Friday, November 13, 2015

Is the Force Good or Evil?

I am sorry I have been slacking lately, hard to get these out weekly but doing my best.  This turned out to be a larger subject then I imagined.  The subject I would like to discuss this week is ....can the Force only be good or evil?  The short answer to this is No.

I would like to take some time to un-package this a lil bit.  Again, in A New Hope you are really decompressing everything through Luke's perspective.  So as he hears or sees it, so are you.  The other fun part is that you got Han Solo who's grounded;  the particular and reasonable one of the bunch.  Your Space Cowboy but one that brings the reality to the whole situation even though everything around him doesn't seem real. More on that later....

So the first time you get an idea about the Force is from Obi-Wan and he tells Luke "Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." - A New Hope   The idea of the Force is really Luke's spiritual journey as well as the hero's journey.  The odds are not great.  As Han Solo would say never tell me the odds.  Luke and the rest of the galaxy are under some great distress and the Empire/Emporer has a firm control of the galaxy.  "The Force evolved out of various developments of character and plot. I wanted a concept of religion based on the premise that there is a God and there is good and evil. I began to distill the essence of all religions into what I thought was a basic idea common to all religions and common to primitive thinking. I wanted to develop something that was nondenominational but still had a kind of religious reality."―George Lucas on the Force

I think it is very interesting that you see a decline in the Force and then a resurgence in the Force.  I can not mention that with out stating the obvious.  The new movie is coming out it is in the title..The Force Awakens.  There is going to be an awaking in the Force. 

Getting back to Lucas's idea of the Force, holds true in today's society as well.  The common people might have never encountered a Jedi or Sith or any Force Sensitive person.  It goes to almost folklore state.  Plus when the history of the events are controlled, it is easy to forget all things related to that ancient religion.  "The Force was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark side, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force, and the Physical Force." -Wookieepedia

I think it really important and look at the two codes, first the Jedi:
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.

Now the Sith:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

These are two completely different paths and basically built on the opposite of each other.  "Though the Force was categorized in this way, there were no specific abilities or powers that were only usable by a follower of a particular path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside the life forms that used it, and drew energy from their emotions." - Wookieepedia

Again, the question is the Force is split? Is it truly two different sides of the coin.  By just the very creed, you would lean towards, yes.  I have to say no.
The reason I like Star Wars so much it definitely reflects our society.  In the comic books and movies, you have good guys and bad guys and some guys that are in between.  In reality,  we are all in between.  The anti-hero became very popular in comics in the 90s. These are your comic book characters such as Wolverine, Deadpool, Hulk, Spawn, Punisher, Lobo to name a few.  Majority of these guys, go by their own code.  Although they can be good, they are not afraid to get their way at a cost.  In most cases, the anti-hero comes across as not a team player but a lone wolf. It is human nature to like the redemption story even with the antihero.  The reason is that black and white polarize people but seeing a person in the grey better themselves makes it more intriguing and relate-able.

Another one of my fascinations is the Walking Dead, the never ending zombie movie.  The thing that is always questioned and always tested what is moral/right when the dead are walking? Rick the leader of the "group".  Turns into from a straight, lace Cop into this alpha male survivor.  As he progresses, he continues to do things and he has to justify.  The reason for this is because the rule book is thrown out the window now.  Cop/Law don't have the same affect on the world where Zombies roam the street.

Every person has the ability to be both good and evil.  In Romans, Paul talks about this in great detail. Paul was persecuting Christians and then God changes his heart and Paul begins to follow God and becomes one of his greatest advocates. Paul continued to struggle with this and states in Romans 7:15 - "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." In James, James talks about taming the tongue. In James 3:5-6  "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. "   I reference this to say God gives us choice and also there is much grace that God gives us and even though we choose one way to follow doesn't mean we occasionally choose the other side. 

Similarly, Jedi and Sith are established factions with their own moral code.  The Force is a tool for the Jedi, Sith and Force adept to use.  "Though the Force was thought to flow through every living thing, its power could only be harnessed by beings described as "Force-sensitive." This Force-sensitivity was correlated with, and sometimes attributed to, a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians that were found in a Force-sensitive's blood: the higher the count, the greater the being's potential Force ability, though there were some exceptions to this rule. Force-sensitive beings were able to tap into the Force to perform acts of great skill and agility as well as control and shape the world around them. Sometimes this ability was described as having a strong Force "aura"." -Wookieepedia

"The ways of the Living Force are beyond our understanding… But fear not. You are in the hands of something much greater and much better than you can imagine."―Qui-Gon Jinn

"The strength of the dark side lies with the power of the individual. The Force comes from within. You must learn to draw on it yourself. I will not always be there to teach you."―Darth Bane

So even though people are predisposed to the Force, it doesn't mean that people can not sense it or see its power.  The Force is a tool and by it's very essence an extension of its user.  The simplified version of the creeds is that Jedi are selfless and Sith are selfish.  Could a Jedi think he/she is doing something selfless but really it is selfish?  Absolutely, what if a Sith does something selfless? It could happen.  The predisposition is for that person to continue to do the what they do but human psyche is to complex to pigeon hole it to either good or evil.  The Force is ambivalent to choose sides but merely follows what the person wants from it.   As Shrek eloquently put it to Donkey, orges are like onions....onions have layers.  Orges have layers.  What Shrek was trying to explain to Donkey is that even though everyone sees him as a monster, he is more than that and not defined by people's perception.  Yoda said it the best.  "For my ally is the Force.  And a powerful ally it is."  People are complex and therefore the Force is more then a two sided tool.

Let's peel the layers back a little and take a look at two characters that fall into this category very well, Count Dooku and Quinlan Vos.  

Count Dooku was born at Serenno into wealth, Like many Jedi prospects he was taken early from his family and was raised at the Jedi Temple and led a very dedicated Jedi life for 70yrs.  Dooku was known around the Temple as a Master Swordsmen; one that rivaled Master Yoda and Mace Windu.  In then very next minute he is a Sith Lord? It seems like a stretch.  He is part of the Lost 20.  This can be seen in the Jedi Library with all bronze bust of the Jedi in the Attack of the Clones.  The Lost 20 is the reference too the Jedi that leave the order on their own accord.  The Battle of Galidraan changed Dooku forever and led him to be jaded about the Jedi Order.  It was at this battle where Dooku meets Jango Fett.  Things go wrong and the Mandalorians take on the Jedi and Jedi end up killing 300 Mandalorians.  Jango was the only one to survive the massacre but took out 5 Jedi before being captured.  The senseless killing and how the whole mission was handled led Dooku to the decision of him leaving the Order for good.  Dooku goes back to his homeland, Serenno and reclaims his wealth and the title Count.  While Dooku is recovering, Palpatine reaches out to Dooku.  Like the Devil he is, Palpatine twists the truth and plays on Dooku’s pain to have a fallen Jedi in his pocket.  Dooku becomes Palaptine’s right hand man.  Dooku is pulled in quickly to the Dark side and loves the freedom and power it gives him.  He is on board with Palpatine’s manufactured war and does not mind being the face of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.  Palpatine being the puppet master he is pulling all the right strings.  No better way to have a Fallen Jedi leading the charge on how the  Republic is corrupt and needs control and order.  Dooku doesn't realize that he is being played as a puppet until the very end on the deck of the Invisible Hand.  Dooku following the Rule of Two knows he is next in line to control this new Empire. The problem is he is not the end game, Skywalker is.  Palpatine sets the bait of being captured and Dooku is ready to end the Jedi.  Except the tides turn as Palaptine slyly plants seeds in Anakin to make decisions against the Order and to end the Clone Wars.  Palpatine says kill him and Dooku realizes he just got duped and Anakin just replaced him.  

I say this because how does a 70 yr old Jedi becomes pure evil over night and taps into a different Force? Dooku does start down the path of being selfish and looking for structure and order but is he not the same person? He is in his mind eye feels freedom in his decisions but I don't think he is evil.  Again, the Force is an extension of his will.  He displays that he can use Force Lightning (prominent power of the Dark Side against Yoda and Yoda does not use this but counters with Force absorb.  Are these powers absent on one side or the other? No, but because of the very nature of it one is more aggressive than the other.

Quinlan Vos is a Kiffar and has the power of psychometry.  The ability to see things by touching objects.  It is native to his species but obviously enhanced as a Force user.  Vos has a somewhat muddle back story but based on new Canon is essential your black Ops jedi.  You meet Quinlan in episode in the Clone Wars and he has the swagger of Han Solo and has playful banter then non other than Obi-Wan.  The interesting plot point in Dark Disciple book is Vos sent to kill Dooku or really aid his defunct Dark Acolyte, Asajj Ventress in doing so.  It doesn't seem like a very Jedi way, but the manufactured Clone Wars had put a lot of current Jedi principles in questions and puts Jedi Masters as War Generals.  Vos by his very nature doing covert work is riding a thin line of being very well, Sith. Vos personal endeavor is to find out who is over Dooku in the process gives into the Dark Side and fights alongside Dooku.  Also in the process, shows that he has feelings for Ventress.  Again, this is a Jedi Master sworn to the Jedi Order.  How undercover is undercover? There is several times that Obi-Wan questions the council and say did we really put a hit on Dooku and sent one of our best man to the Dark side?  There is redemption in Vos but again the Force he taps into is the same regardless if he is on the Light or Dark side.   How can the Force be to separate forms?

Finally, back to Han Solo.  The Space Cowboy that has seen everything in the galaxy.  As Luke is practicing with his lightsaber/remote, Han says his famous line. "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."  What Han is simply stating is my gun and this ship is real, what I see exists not what I can't see.  Fast forward 30 plus years and as we see in the latest trailer of the Force Awakens,  an older wiser Han is talking to Finn and Rey and says "It's true. All of it. The dark side. The Jedi. They're real".  The realist turns into a believer? The Force is a powerful ally, indeed.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why the Prequels saved Obi-Wan Kenobi

I apologize for the delay, but life got in the way and I couldn't get this out right away on time.

I am going to get this off of my chest right away after Return of the Jedi, I hated Obi-Wan Kenobi.
My 8yr old head could not wrap my head around the fact that a Jedi, Obi-Wan could lie to Luke. In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader drops the most quoted line in all of pop culture...I am your Father.  This cliffhanger is so critical in the Star Wars Mythos. It really hard to put into words how much ripple effect this has not only from audience perspective but movie making in general.

From Luke's perspective and you as the audience member know very little about Anakin Skywalker and the lineage.  Obi-Wan gives a crash course to Luke: that he was a freighter pilot, fought in the Clone Wars together and he was a good friend.  Obi-Wan pauses just for second there in his recollection.  There is sadness all in that little pause and it is absolutely powerful.  Obi-Wan states that Darth Vader murder his father. So Luke set on his path on becoming a Jedi and taking on this Evil Sith Lord.  Luke gets another crash course on the light and dark side of the Force in Dagobah from Master Yoda.  Luke's understanding of the Force in a very navie.  Basically, me good Vader bad
...but there is a twist, the Cave.  Luke goes into this temple in Dagobah and sees Darth Vader in all his menacing glory.  Luke does a quick lightsaber battle and goes for the Death blow and lops off Vader's head, it blows up and it reveals the face of ....Luke Skywalker. It is great foreshadowing that Evil is present in Skywalker family and if Luke is not careful he will become what he wants to destroy.

In ROTJ,  Luke reconnects with Obi-Wan (Jedi Spirit Mode) after Yoda passes away.  Obi-Wan says "Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. What happened to your father was my fault... from a certain point of view. Anakin was a good friend. When I first met him, your father was already a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought that I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong. During the Clone Wars, it wasn't long before the Emperor sensed Anakin's powers and lured him to the Dark Side."

It is right there it just devastated me that what Vader said was true and that Luke has to kill his father.  It is hard to understand that Vader took down the Jedi and now the only living Jedi has to take down the main bad guy and it is his father you know, no big deal.  So after this exchange between to Luke and Obi-Wan doesn't really provide any closure and it is a little raw and so ever since that point I am like no Obi-Wan for me.

When the Prequels were announced and I am finding out there is going to be a younger Obi-Wan involved.  I was like I don't know how this is going to pan out. Then you hear Ewan McGregor was cast for the role and I get a little bit more excited.

What Ewan does to the role from acting perspective is fantastic, he mimics Sir Alec Guinness role to a "T" and Ewan develops the same mannerisms that was already present in the Original Trilogy.  Besides, Qui-Gon Jinn who had a very limited run, Obi-Wan is definitely my 2nd favorite character in the Prequels.

Star Wars is never known for its writing, but George Lucas does a very good job on portraying Obi-Wan's maturity over the 3 films.  You have a brash but wise Jedi when you meet him in Phantom Menace.  It is Qui-Gon's death that accelerates a lot of things for Obi-Wan. He was just a padawan and then Qui-Gon's dying wish is to train, Anakin Skywalker.  Yoda sees something there and allows it to happen.

In Attack of the Clones, you see a bearded Obi-Wan and looking more Jedi then ever.  You can see the same Brash Jedi in Anakin and Obi-Wan tries to hold him at bay.  There is not much he can do, because Anakin is very powerful, but he wants to be mature but he is not.  Obi-Wan shows wit and charm at the right times and his sarcasm is top notch.  After Anakin loses his lightsaber in the chase of Padme's assassin Obi-Wan says "Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
Anakin smiles and responds "Don't say that, master. You're the closest thing I have to a father."

In Revenge of the Sith, that opening sequence space battle over Corcuscant is one of my favorites. It really shows that Anakin are brothers in the Force and are completely in sync with one another as they fly over the battlefield.  Again, Obi-Wan's wit shows through after they rescue and crash land General Greivous ship after "Another happy landing."

One of my favorite scenes in ROTS is when everything is on a downward spiral and Obi-Wan is reaching out to Padme to find Anakin. Kenobi: He was decieved by a lie... we all were. It appears that the Chancellor is behind everything, including the war! After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice.
Padmé: I don't believe you. I can't...
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Padmé, I must find him.
Padmé: You're going to kill him, aren't you?
Obi-Wan Kenobi: He has become a very great threat.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin is the father, isn't he?
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I'm so sorry.

Obi-Wan shows how much love and care he has for the both of them and it doesn't take a Jedi Master to understand there is something more going on between Anakin and the Senator from Naboo.

Like the opening sequence, the end you get this huge lightsaber fight with Anakin and Obi-Wan.  You can tell they are equals and that they did this 1000 times as Master and Apprentice but now it is much more at stake, Jedi vs Sith. At the end, Kenobi: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.
Anakin Skywalker:  I hate you.
Obi-Wan: You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.

Obi-Wan shows his hand. Even though Jedi are not supposed to have attachment...he knows Anakin has it with Padme and he is showing that he also has this attachment with Anakin and it is a little bit more then just Master and Apprentice. 

And this is the point, this is where the Prequels saved Obi-Wan for me.  I can not imagine the pain and torment that Obi-Wan had to go through as he replayed that fight and all the things he could have done when Anakin was under his direction as a pupil.  It would have drove many people mad.  You still see this tenderness in him as he interacts with Luke, but you also get this sense of him holding back.  As I rewatch, the Original Trilogy I like Obi-Wan a lot more and the sting of his words don't hurt as much as they did in the past.

It is cliche, but it is so true never judge a person until you walk in their shoes. Sometimes you need a little more perspective before you pass judgment on someone.  I am sorry Obi-Wan that I doubted a truly wise and powerful Jedi Master. 

Next week, I will tackle is the Force good and evil?

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Force Awakens

To say I am excited about The Force Awakens (TFA) is an understatement. Now it is not '83 to '99 but it is '05 to '15. After Revenge of the Sith (ROTS) came out, the Prequels were done and as a Star Wars fan that movie drug was gone and there were rumors of a live action TV show and maybe a cartoons or summing but that was it. 

It all looked bleak, but in August 2008, we got a Clone Wars movie.  It was basically a couple episodes put to together to form a movie and soon thereafter the Clone Wars (Oct 08) was an amazing, wonderful ride between Attack of the Clones (AOTC) and ROTS. Ok, Clone Wars gets cancelled and the last episode leaves you like The Empire Strikes Back  (TESB) and there is so many questions.  Again it just shows the division in the Jedi Order and how Anakin and Ashoka's relationship perfectly and eloquently reflects this division. It came to faithful end in March 2013 it ended ...Lost Missions in Feb 2014...yes sir.  Tells more about Order 66 and how a Clone almost found out the truth.

But back up jusy a smidge, on Oct 30th, 2012 Disney buys Lucas Films for like 4 billion and that day they announce new movies and the Star Wars Universe just explodes. What more movies? Taking a page out of the Marvel book and having a Trilogy and stand alone films.  Fan Boys weep for joy.

In January 2013, J. J. Abrams was announced as the director of Star Wars Episode VII and I think this is where I lost my mind.  I really like what he just did with Star Trek and Super 8 is in Top 10 films of all time.  Trouble in paradise? Script writter Arndt left from the project on October 24, 2013, and Lawarence Kasdan and Abrams take over script duties. Change in vision?? 

On April 29, 2014, - this photo literally broke the internet.

Pretty much the same crew that brought you the Clone Wars is bringing you Star Wars Rebels which launched in September 2014.

On November 6, 2014, the title of the film was announced as Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  This title couldn't be more perfect.  Encaspulates, the essence of Star Wars was dormant now it is 

So second-unit filming began in April with principal photography taking place May through November and the date will be December 18th, 2015 in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D.

There is a lot more I can write about the trailers and everything else, but Let's get to the movie.

***Spoilers*** Instead of coming up with this elaborate story and how I think it plays out.  This is again mostly what I think is going to happen and combining on what "internet" says....before I get there, my number one fan boy request is have Boba Fett in the movie.  I know they are making an anthology film on Han Solo so I really hope he is in that but I desperately want to see him in December.

Okay last chance...***spoilers***
Poe Dameron - Oscar Isaac said he is a hot shot pilot.  He is our Wedge for this new series with a touch of Han Solo swagger thrown in there.  I could definitely see a love interest to Rey.  Also, helps out Finn early on to escape 1st Order.
Rey - There is a reason that we don't know her last name.  I believe she is the daughter of Han and Leia and she is also Force Sensitive and be the one to hand the lightsaber to Luke.
Finn - Although we see now Finn holding a lightsaber, this is not a Han Solo thing.  I truly believe he is part of the Awakening and learns that he is not the 1st Order type and he helps Poe to escape.
Han Solo - I believe this is a Han Solo movie and that he is main dude of the movie.  I also think he doesn't make it out of this movie and show him die on screen. Harrison Ford wanted to kill him off in ROTJ so I think he gets his wish this time.
Luke Skywalker - I don't think you see Luke to the end of the film.  I think he is at a demi-God state and he is ridiculously powerful.  He understands what is at stake and pulled a Master Yoda not otherwise intervene and went somewhat in hiding.
Princess Leia - I think she is the leader of the Resistance and her and Han are estranged. I don't want that but could explain why Rey doesn't really know Han.
Captain Phasma - Maybe our Boba Fett of this film.  I see her as a very elite stormtrooper but is also very unorthodoxed methods to her.
Kylo Ren - This guy is not full Sith but understands he wants to be.  He is collector and I believe he is the one that is holding Darth Vader's mask in the trailer.  I think he wants this Darth Vader's lightsaber and he believes is the key for the Sith. Also, son of Han and Leia. I believe he is the one that Kills his father, Han.
General Hux - This is a dice role for me.  I really think he is our Grand Moff Tarkin of the movie.
Supreme Leader Snoke - This is the major I have no idea.  I really wanted this to be Darth Bane as the spirit guiding Kylo.  My guess he is as bad as bad can get just like our Supreme Chancellor Palpatine =). 

So there you have it, my predictions for Force Awakens....we will find out soon enough. Now bring on the toys...Force Friday Eve is upon us.  Next week I am going to tackle, why the Prequels saved ObiWan Kenobi.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wampa Cave

The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980 and I was 5.  I don't remember A New Hope but I remember sitting in the Theater watching TESB with my neighborhood friend Jamie.  I remember the snow planet, Hoth but there is something absolutely magically about the Wampa Cave that still resonates with me 35 yrs later.

Okay, for those who don't know....our hero,  Luke Skywalker is checking out some meteor activity with his trusty TaunTaun. While they are doing this, the TaunTaun gets startled and boom you see the Abominable Snowman, the Wampa.  Next time you see Luke he is hanging upside down with his feet all iced in and basically stuck in a no win situation.  While the Wampa is chomping on Luke's TaunTaun, Luke immediately realizes he is next on the dinner menu.  Luke quickly checks his surroundings and sees his lightsaber is in the snow a mere few feet away.
At this point, you know without that Luke is a Swanson Hungry Man Frozen dinner waiting to happen.  This is where movie magic happens and completely blew my 5yr old immediately yell to Luke use the Force!!! He knows the Force so he has to get it!!!  The beauty part of the whole thing is that you never see this happen before but you know it has to be true!! You can just feel it. You know it through the Force.

Let's flash back, to when we first meet Obi-Wan the crazy old hermit from Jundland Wastelands, when he uses his first Jedi trick.  He mimics a Kryat Dragon to startle the pesky Tusken Raiders away from Luke's landspeeder.  Okay,  1st Force power, check.  The next thing we know is a Jedi can handle a lightsaber the Jedi's weapon of choice.  Not really a Force power, but we know Jedi prefer to only carry lazer swords.  The next Jedi trick is probably the most quoted...These are not the Droids you are looking for...the infamous Jedi mind trick. Move along, move along.  As Obi-Wan is quickly breaking down the Force to Luke aboard the Millennium Falcon.  You get the best Han Solo quote in my opinion.  "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Obi-Wan feels a great disturbance in the Force.  He feels death from the planet, Alderraan.  Next, you learn Jedi can sense things, predict movement doesn't  need sight to do so.  Ok, next thing Obi-Wan does is distract the Stormtroopers with sound so he can get to the Tractor Beam shut down. When Obi-Wan meets Darth and gets slain he disappears in the Force, only leaving his robe. Obi-Wan talks to Luke through the Force and helps him blow up the Death Star.  So that is all the Force powers you know as a Star Wars fan in '77.

Alright fast forward back to the Wampa Cave, there is Luke reaching out to his lightsaber and he just can't get it. This is where the soon to be Jedi does a quick Force meditation and boom lightsaber in hand and quickly there is a one armed Wampa shortly there after. Poor Wampa.  All the Wampa wants is a warm full belly and that Stinky TaunTaun wasn't cutting and now his arm is on the floor.  Well at least it is cauterized.

But what happens in the Wampa Cave does not end there.  Okay, Luke meets the lil old dude, Yoda.  Yoda goes all Insanity Training on him and you know Luke is putting his all into it and sweating and it is hot and sticky.  Lets face it, Dagobah is not your destination wedding kinda of place.  Luke is doing all this fun, hard stuff like a hand stand with Yoda on his leg. Lifting some rocks and he takes on the bucket of bolts, R2.  Dude, in Luke's humble opinion he is rocking it and is in a total Zen Jedi state.  Boom, vision of the future, Cloud City friends in danger and oh yeah still doing this hand stand thingy and totally bails Yoda and R2. 

Luke has to jet out of here to save his friends.  So time to get the Xwing out of the swamp.  Luke - "All right, I will give it a try."  Yoda - "No, try not. Do or Do Not. There is no try." Luke tries to lift the Xwing and Yoda is all like yeah home boy get it and then nope and the Xwing is all sinking like the Titanic into the Dagobah swamp.  So Luke does his typical, Toshi Station whine and he goes moping in his lil pity party for one.  Yoda does his best Jedi Master and picks it up and plops it right on solid ground.  Luke is like what? What?  I have been working away and this lil green dude. Lifts it up like a piece of paper.  Luke - "I don't, I don't believe it." Yoda - "That is why you fail."

Luke is clearly going into a trap in Cloud City, but he is only one that doesn't know it. Vader's plan is simple capture his friends, lure Luke to the Carbonite Freezing Chamber on Cloud City put him on ice and bring him to the Emperor for some Sith training.

So Luke comes face to face with the Evil Darth Vader, Luke knows three things at this point: you killed my Dad, you killed my homie hermit, Obi-Wan and you are a Master of the Dark Side.  Luke escapes Vader's trap and Vader is talking to Luke and trying to get in his head and trying to keep Luke's off his game of course in typical in Sith and bad guy fashion.  The lightsaber battle is brief and Luke actually surprises Vader.   You get a feeling at this point that Darth Vader is holding back as he was with Obi-Wan back in A New Hope.  Luke who is our New Hope just simply meets his match.
This is where the Wampa Cave comes full circle.  As audience, we are ecstatic that Luke was able to grab the lightsaber in the snow, balance himself some Jedi Master and see a true Jedi raise a spaceship out of the swampy water.  Luke and Vader exchange some lightsaber action and then Vader just simple turns it on.  He starts moving objects all over the place and Vader isn't using his hand and waving it around like some Jedi.  (ed. - love me some Watto) He is Sith and a master of the Force and quickly realize this not going well for Luke and Darth Vader just broke the glass ceiling and took it to the next level and in that moment you are left speechless just how it started in the Wampa Cave.

Next week, in preparation for Force Friday I am going to make my early predictions of The Force Awakens... spoilers according to me ;).

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why Qui-Gon Jinn is the most powerful Jedi

We are 120 days away from a new movie and I am ready to flex my Geek muscle to gear up for the new flick.  I hope to bring up engaging topics about the Star Wars universe and fun little discussions.

So I am going for a big one right away,  why I believe Qui-Gon Jinn is the most powerful and influential Jedi ever.

The Prequels basically establish that there is a prophecy that there is one Jedi to bring balance to the Force.  During the 6 films, it is established that this is Anakin Skywalker.  Now, he did this in the most unconventional way. He got seduce by the Dark Side. Anakin hunted down all the good Jedi and killed them all. Basically, only through the love of his son broke through the veil of lies and deceit of the Emperor was handing Vader/Anakin.  He took him down so Luke the only living Jedi at that time can reestablish the Jedi Order just like it was before the Rise of the Sith and by the way Qui-Gon called it.

So logically, the choice would be Anakin or Yoda and then maybe Luke or Obi-Wan. So just going off the grid a smidge to say no one has anything over Qui-Gon Jinn.
First, Qui-Gon is a practicing Jedi.  What I mean be that is he was feet on the street kind of Jedi.  As the Jedi Council is in their tower,  Qui-Gon was out on the street.  Although the Jedi Council found him reckless, it was him and his padawan Obi-Wan that were sent as emissaries to help the Republic talk to the Trade Foundation.  Again, he was relatable and was able to discern both sides. Qui-Gon was very much into the Living Force.  He was very aware of what was going on.  When Qui-Gon meets a Sith Lord, Darth Maul and relates that information to the Jedi Council, you very much get a sense that they think Qui-Gon is lying.  The Jedi were not out there at least a lot of the masters were not which causes them to loose site of the outside world.  Yoda recognizes this way to late.  It was only after Supreme Chancellor Palpatine shows his true self. "Finally, he saw the truth. This truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme Master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness have ever known...just---didn't---have it. He never had it. He had lost before he started. He had lost before he was born. The Sith has changed.  The Sith had grown, had adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves. They had become new.  While the Jedi---The Jedi had spent the same millennium training to re fight the last war." (ROTS by Matthew Stover p 396). You see this manifest on screen when Bail Organo rescues him in the speeder.  You see the sense of lost in Yoda's face and slight shake of he head.  I say all this to establish that Qui-Gon is much more in tune with the people/society around him and ever pressing danger that was the Sith.

Second, Qui-Gon showed great humility.  This is clear when he literally runs into Jar Jar Binks (ed. - Lucas just stated that Goofy was his inspiration for Jar-Jar).  I will save all my Jar Jar ranting for another time.  It was Qui-Gon who knew that a local could be a great guide. Qui-Gon showed immense patience like that of a parent to see through Jar Jar's childish ways and help them on their quest.  Through this, Queen Amidala meets a Gungan for the very 1st time and help establish a treaty with the Gungans to take back Naboo from the Trade Federation.  She is on the planet her whole life and takes a Jedi to bring two native people together.  Yoda learned this from Qui-Gon.  Let's be honest Episode 1 Yoda is a prick.  The way he interacts with young Anakin is not very cool and Jedi like.  By Attack of the Clones, he is a much softer Yoda and as he teaches his Bear Clan and helps Obi-Wan find his missing planet, Kamino.  He states "Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is".  Yoda then passes this onto Luke.  Luke fails miserably.  Yoda poses as a disfunctional hermit/guide.  Luke does not see it and it is only through Luke's impatience,  Yoda reveals his true self.  Luke learns from this and applies it in Return of the Jedi.  Luke and crew meet the Ewoks the local people on Endor's Moon when Chewie wants a tasty afternoon snack.  Solo wanted to blast the Ewoks but Luke told Han to hold off.  Luke is not the aggressor here and let's it unfold.  With that, these lil fur balls help the Rebels take down the Empire. The Sith always see a means to end.  Sith would enslave the local people and dominate them for help with resource gathering. This is not the Jedi way and Luke saw the potential of their new ally which the Emperor doesn't forsee and leads to the ultimate destruction of the Empire as we know it. It goes back to the golden rule that Jesus Christ taught in Luke 6:31 - "Do to others as you would want them to do to you."

Finally,  there is the Journey of the Whills. Qui-Gon is the first Jedi to maintain himself in the Force.  We first see this in A New Hope and Obi-Wan just disappears before Darth Vader does the killing blow. "You can't win Darth.  If you strike me down, I will become even more powerful than you can imagine." Obi-Wan is not only telling Darth Vader this but also the viewing audience that something strange and big is going to happen.  Although, Vader does seem shocked.  It seems like a common Jedi thing to do.  Qui-Gon is the first to do it.  One of my favorite scenes in Revenge of the Sith is when Emperor Palpatine seduces Anakin to the dark side.  At the Opera House, Palaptine starts off with "'Anakin ---are you familiar with The Tragedy Darth Plagueis the Wise?'" (ROTS by Matthew Stover, p226). Palpatine drops the bait '"Its a Sith legend, of a Dark Lord who had turned his sight inward so deeply that he had come to comprehend, and master, life itself. And---because the two are one, whwn seen clearly engough---death itself."' (ROTS by Matthew Stover, p227).  What is not clear in the movie but fleshed out in the novel is that Anakin keeps on having visions of Padme screaming on the birthing table and dying.  This nightmare is ultimately what drives Anakin to find an alternate route.  Really, it is Fear of the unknown that drives Anakin towards the Dark Side.  This is the ironic part...when Anakin takes out Mace Windu. The Emperor gives Anakin his Sith name....Darth Vade. The Emperor states Anakin "I want your power. I want the power to stop death" Emporer "That power only my Master truly achieved, but together we will find it. The Force is strong with you, my boy. You can do anything" (ROTS by Matthew Stover p 339).  So he didn't even know how to do this and yet it was the brash Jedi, Qui-Gon that lead the way.  Of course, in the Clone Wars Cartoon Series we found out that Qui-Gon visits both Anakin and Obi-Wan on the planet Mortis (Ed. - must watch, Mortis Trilogy!).

Think about it...There would be no blowing up the Death Star without Obi-Wan encouraging words to Luke. There would be no direction to seek out the only other living Jedi, Yoda.
The first time you see this happen is when Anakin attacks the Tusken Raider camp.  Qui-Gon through the Force as Yoda is mediating and Yoda hears Qui-Gon's voice and warning to Anakin.  There is this wonderful exchange between Qui-Gon and Yoda that is "off camera" in the movie.  "Even after nearly nine hundred years, the road to self knowledge was rugged enough to leave him bruised and bleeding. He spoke softly, but not to himself. Though no one was with him, he was not alone. "My failure, this was. Failed the Jedi, I did." He spoke to the Force.  And the Force answered him. Do not blame yourself, my old friend. As it sometimes had these past thirteen years, when the Force spoke to him, it spoke in the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn. (ROTS by Matthew Stover p 409).  Qui-Gon goes on to explain the one thing Anakin wanted the one the most powerful Sith Lord chased and the very wise Master of the Force, Yoda didn't even know..."With my help, you can learn to join with the Force, yet retain consciousness. You can join your light to it forever. Perhaps, in time, even your physical self.  Yoda didn't move. "Eternal life..." The ultimate goal of the Sith, yet they can never achieve it; it comes only by the release of self, not the exaltation of self. It comes through compassion, not greed. Love is the answer to the darkness.  "Become one with the Force, yet influence still to have..." Yoda mused. " A power greater than all, it is." (ROTS by Matthew Stover p 409)

So there you have it. These are my reasons why I feel Qui-Gon Jinn is the most powerful Jedi.  I hope you enjoyed.  Next week, I will be talking about the Wampa Cave.